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Exhibiting at Gitex? We can be your official launch partner 🚀

Bringing their community to life

Dystopunks is a Cryptopunks-themed metaverse activation commissioned by their community, taking users through a dystopian version of the Cryptopunks world.

Dystopunks wanted to create a space where the community could experience their collection of assets in 3D. We decided to gamify the experience to increase play time and give people a reason to come back. Landvault built them a skateboard park, a parkour course, an elevated rail, a casino and a DystoPunks HQ to run their community events

About LandVault

LandVault is the largest metaverse builder with over 100 million square feet of virtual real estate, more than 120 full-time creators, and nearly 300 completed projects. We’ve been helping brands build and grow in gaming environments since 2017 and the metaverse since 2021.

LandVault’s platform-agnostic proprietary technology and creative powerhouse builds and delivers tailored, data-driven, and optimized business solutions and insights. We help clients launch, optimize, and monetize metaverse experiences.

LandVault’s mission is to accelerate the metaverse economy through technology with a vision of a fairer wealth distribution across the web.

We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

Copyright ©️ 2024

Landvault · Wam Group

All rights reserved


We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

Copyright ©️ 2024 · Landvault · Wam Group · All rights reserved


We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

Copyright ©️ 2024 · Landvault · Wam Group · All rights reserved
