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Prove metaverse marketing ROI with measurements and analytics

Apr 13, 2023

Martin Petkov

The metaverse is the next frontier for businesses and personal brands, offering boundless opportunities for growth and expansion. However, with new horizons come novel challenges, and one of the most pressing concerns in the metaverse marketing space is the ability to demonstrate a solid return on investment (ROI). Today, we are excited to share the latest updates of our platform that address this crucial aspect head-on.

Understanding the importance of data-driven insights, LandVault has significantly advanced our platform-agnostic proprietary technology to enable businesses and brands to prove their metaverse marketing ROI. Our advanced analytics and measurement tools enable you to:

  • effortlessly track the performance of your campaigns

  • identify areas for optimization

  • make informed decisions that will drive growth 

This blog post will explore the transformative solutions offered by our latest platform update. Stay tuned as we unveil how our innovative technology can empower your metaverse marketing strategies, ensuring fairer wealth distribution and fostering economic growth in the digital realm.

The Measurement and Analytics (M&A) module

We introduced the M&A module into the LandVault Platform, allowing users to access metrics for their experiences. It also comes with new access control to ensure that users only see the experience(s) associated with the relevant account. 

This module enables users to collect data on the activities in their experiences, including usage statistics, user engagement, and performance metrics. With access to real-time data, you'll be equipped with the information necessary to make informed decisions and fine-tune your metaverse experience.

Accessing the Measurement module in the LandVault platform

Getting started

We provide a unique solution to track data from different experiences from various virtual worlds. We implement the integration through the script we have prepared that can be embedded into the experience and fire trackers automatically or through our API. To begin utilizing this module, simply reach out to us, and we'll gladly guide you through the process.


Metrics are pivotal in helping brands and organizations make data-driven decisions as they build, measure, and monetize metaverse experiences. Each of the described metrics offers valuable insights into user behavior, engagement, and the overall effectiveness of the metaverse activation. Our platform helps you track and monitor across your metaverse experiences.


This shows the number of unique visitors, including new and returning users.

This metric indicates the reach and popularity of your metaverse experience. A higher number of unique visitors signifies greater brand exposure and awareness, while analyzing the ratio of new to returning users can help gauge user retention and brand loyalty.

Number of visitors chart in the LandVault platform


Shows the total number of sessions started in the experience.

Tracking the total number of sessions started provides insights into user engagement and can help identify patterns of usage. This information can be used to optimize the experience, ensuring higher user satisfaction and improved ROI.

Number of sessions graph in the LandVault platform

Dwell time

Collects and calculates the average time of all users connected to the experience.

By measuring the average time users spend in your metaverse experience, you can assess the effectiveness of your content and design, and make adjustments to increase user engagement and satisfaction.

Average dwell time graph in the LandVault platform

Visitors by hour

Shows which hours have the biggest amount of visitors in your experience.

This metric can help identify peak hours and patterns in user behavior, enabling you to make informed decisions about resource allocation, live events, or promotional activities.

Visitors by day and time in the LandVault platform

Connection type

Shows the percentage of users who signed up with a wallet or as guests.

Understanding the proportion of wallet users and guest users can help tailor your metaverse experience to cater to different user segments, enhancing their experience and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Connection type information in the LandVault platform


The movement panel provides minute-by-minute user movement data within the experience for a selected date. 

This offers a granular view of how users navigate and interact with the metaverse environment. This metric can help organizations better understand user behavior patterns, identify bottlenecks, or uncover areas where users may be experiencing difficulties. Such insights can inform decisions around spatial design, user interface improvements, and the overall user experience, ultimately leading to increased user satisfaction and engagement.

Movement tracking graph in the LandVault platform



Shows the hottest places on the experience map where players spend most of their time.

By identifying the hottest places on the experience map where players spend most of their time, the dwell metric provides valuable insights into which areas or elements of the metaverse experience are the most engaging or compelling. This information can guide organizations in making informed decisions on where to focus their marketing efforts or improve the content to attract more users and drive engagement.

Dwell heatmap in the LandVault platform


Shows the most visited places by number of users as a heatmap.

The metric reveals the most visited places by the number of users, allowing organizations to gauge the popularity of different areas within the metaverse experience. This information can be useful for identifying potential high-traffic locations for advertising, promoting products or services, or hosting virtual events. It can also help determine which aspects of the metaverse activation resonate with users and which need improvement.


Shows places where users left the experience.

The dropout metric highlights places where users left the experience, which can indicate potential pain points or areas of disinterest. Through careful analysis of this data, organizations can pinpoint areas that may require improvement to increase user retention. This may involve refining the user experience, resolving technical issues, or reevaluating content and design elements to better align with their target audience's preferences.

Dropout heatmap in the LandVault platform

NFT claims conversion

Shows metrics on NFT claims within the experience.

The NFT metrics track the associated contract address and provide metrics on the number of claimed NFTs and the conversion rate. Additionally, the delta of the previous date range is highlighted in the percentage values.

These metrics are an excellent tool for tracking how many users completed the tasks to claim the NFTs and the timelines of when the claims were made.

NFT conversion rate and Claimed NFTs in the LandVault platform

Top Users

Highlights top users by engagement within the experience.

This information is valuable for brands as it can allow hyper-personalized targeting of the most engaged users. People who’ve spent more time and resources in the experience are likely to be more invested and thus respond better to continued marketing efforts.

In summary, these metrics offer invaluable insights that empower brands and organizations to comprehend user behavior, optimize their experiences, and maximize their return on investment.


In conclusion, LandVault's latest platform updates offer a comprehensive suite of measurement and analytics tools that empower organizations and brands to tap into the full potential of the metaverse. In addition, we enable companies to make informed decisions and optimize their metaverse experiences by providing data-driven insights into user behavior, engagement, and performance. 

Through real-time data and intuitive visualization, LandVault's Measurement and Analytics module allows users to monitor critical metrics, identify trends, and uncover areas for improvement. By enabling businesses to fine-tune their metaverse experiences based on these insights, the platform fosters a more engaging, satisfying, and profitable digital realm for all stakeholders involved.

The platform's robust analytics capabilities address the pressing need for quantifiable ROI in metaverse marketing and contribute to our mission of accelerating the metaverse economy through technology.

If you are contemplating launching a metaverse experience and want measurable results, contact us today.

Apr 13, 2023

Martin Petkov

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About Landvault

Landvault is building infrastructure to accelerate the metaverse economy, by building tools to create, deploy and monetize content. The company has helped over 200 clients enter the metaverse, including both Fortune 500 companies and government organizations like the Abu Dhabi government, Mastercard, L’Oreal, Red Bull, and Heineken. The company has raised a total of $40m over the past three years and continues to pioneer technological advancements.

We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

Copyright ©️ 2024

Landvault · Wam Group

All rights reserved


We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

Copyright ©️ 2024 · Landvault · Wam Group · All rights reserved


We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

Copyright ©️ 2024 · Landvault · Wam Group · All rights reserved
