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LandVault Platform V1.2 Release Update

Nov 25, 2022

Martin Petkov

We are excited to announce the first update to the LandVault Platform - the v1.2 release.

The LandVault Platform allows us to take the initiative to push the Open Metaverse from its build phase into the acceleration phase of our developmental framework. The platform’s introduction helps metaverse stakeholders to gain insights and analysis on potential metaverse activations and investment opportunities.

LandVault Platform v1.2 is an overall improvement to the initial product release that aims to increase the current scope of use cases for land owners and brands looking to either gain additional insight on the space or enter the space for the first time.

This is also anticipated to increase the scope of utility to a wider overall audience as features and tools are continually released.

What’s New in v1.2?

LandVault Platform v1.2 introduces a number of new features to the platform that will assist our users. These new features include the following:

  • Vault 1.0

  • User Profiles / Wallet Integrations

  • Metaverse Sentiment Score Tool

  • Adding Support for Otherside, NFT Worlds

  • Other minor updates

These core integrations will continue to improve the user experience and interface of the LandVault Platform, allowing users to manage their own profiles and seamlessly explore the accessible features of the platform.

Vault 1.0

Representing the very first release of a much larger tool, Vault 1.0 establishes the foundation for a future staking module in relation to virtual lands. The LandVault Platform will eventually support land staking via the functions being implemented through the Vault 1.0 integration, allowing land owners to further utilize their lands while also taking advantage of the wider array of tools available on the platform. 

Vault specifically represents a section for user assets that will allow users to monitor wallet holdings and eventually list them for staking. Future updates will offer more information on this integration.

User Profiles / Wallet Integrations

Users have the ability to connect their wallet in the application available through the website. Currently, both MetaMask and Wallet Connect are compatible options with the LandVault Platform v1.2. This, in collaboration with the Vault 1.0 integration, lays the groundwork for far more compatibility with digital assets like virtual land.

In addition to web3 wallet integrations, the platform will also allow users to create accounts with widely accepted web2 integrations, including the following:

  • Google

  • Twitter

  • Discord

  • Email

Metaverse Sentiment Score

The release of the Metaverse Sentiment Score will give investors far more insight into the overall sentiment of stakeholders investing and participating in the Open Metaverse. This tool serves as an indicator that shows perception of a specific topic based on tone of voice within existing media sources surrounding applicable metaverse platforms.

Overall, the aggregation of information in this case further cements the utility of the LandVault Platform as a core tool to be utilized by investors for metaverse-related opportunities. Future updates will offer more insight into this new feature, including what data is used and how the UI/UX will look and feel on the platform itself. 

An example of this indicator exists within the crypto market in the form of the Crypto Fear & Greed Index that can be viewed here.

Adding Support for The Otherside, NFT Worlds

Mentioned in our previous platform release, v1.2 will integrate support for both The Otherside and NFT Worlds - two leading metaverse platforms alongside the original three of The Sandbox, Decentraland, and Somnium Space. All tools and features of the platform will be available across all supported metaverse worlds, including the Hot lands feature that allows investors to find valuable or underpriced land parcels relative to market sentiment for similar properties.

Other Minor Updates

Share Lands: a user can now share a specific land by pressing a ‘Share’ button within land detailed view or by copying URL;

Mini-map: this feature makes it far easier to navigate the maps of both metaverse platforms, making finding and identifying individual lands far more efficient than before. This is especially true for individual land parcels like The Sandbox’s 1x1 plots: The Sandbox has a large map, so finding such small plots can prove challenging. With this new feature, metaverse stakeholders can speed up the process of locating and investigating different virtual lands.


The LandVault Platform will assist us in our mission of accelerating the Open Metaverse Economy, providing the world’s first metaverse technology stack that all market participants can take advantage of. The LandVault Platform v1.2 release adds to the overall road map of developing the world’s first  metaverse technology stack.

Be sure to check out the LandVault platform here.

Nov 25, 2022

Martin Petkov

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About Landvault

Landvault is building infrastructure to accelerate the metaverse economy, by building tools to create, deploy and monetize content. The company has helped over 200 clients enter the metaverse, including both Fortune 500 companies and government organizations like the Abu Dhabi government, Mastercard, L’Oreal, Red Bull, and Heineken. The company has raised a total of $40m over the past three years and continues to pioneer technological advancements.

We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

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Landvault · Wam Group

All rights reserved


We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

Copyright ©️ 2024 · Landvault · Wam Group · All rights reserved


We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

Copyright ©️ 2024 · Landvault · Wam Group · All rights reserved
