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GMW3 officially launches community to onboard next 100M users into web3

Oct 14, 2022

Callum Moates

Since the beginning of the year, our event arm GMW3 (Good Morning Web3) has been organizing various web3 events all across the globe, with a focus on on-ramping web2 executives from the world’s largest brands, into web3. From NYC to Miami and London, our community of executives has grown to 30,000 and the events.

Today, we’re pleased to announce that Good Morning Web3’s new website is live! This new website will be your hub for all of our upcoming events where you can become part of a growing community that will help you on-ramp into the next phase of the internet. Track our upcoming events, see recaps of the past ones, and make sure you do not miss a beat in an industry that doesn’t sleep!

What is Good Morning Web3? 

GMW3 is a community of entrepreneurs, executives, investors, builders interested to enter Web3. It is led by John Kraski and Charles Adkins and fully funded by Landvault, our parent company. Our mission is to onboard the next 100 million people into web3. How? By acting as an on-ramp for web2 executives to enter the web3 space. Why? Because we can’t build the next phase of the internet alone, so the more of us within the GMW3 community, the better! 

Co-founder of GMW3, Charles Adkins said: “When we started to look at some of our deepest relationships and big wins in the space we began to realize nearly all of them came from face-to-face meetings. After having that insight we wanted to find a way to amplify and accelerate how we could best have those in-person meetups and facilitate those types of engaging environments. We hope people will use GMW3 to find events near them and network with like-minded people to close deals, find jobs, engage in meaningful discussion, and further their industry knowledge"

By becoming a member of GMW3, you will gain access to all of our events around the world as well as join our 30,000 other members with the same passion for web3. 

Landvault CEO Samuel Huber said: “At LandVault we are big believers in the power of community to succeed in web3. We have already been running many events but I am proud to officially launch as a portal for members to browse and register for events and build their network. We believe in networking above promoting hence why we are setting this up as a separate brand!"

Our Next Events

2022 has been a great year for us, with events happening all around the world. But, Q4 is shaping up to be an extremely exciting time of the year, too. Just some of the places we’ll be heading to are:

If you’re near any of those cities, then make sure to register and we hope to see you there.

We’ll also be organizing more events before the end of the year, so don’t worry if none of these are near you, there’s much more to come!

Oct 14, 2022

Callum Moates

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About Landvault

Landvault is building infrastructure to accelerate the metaverse economy, by building tools to create, deploy and monetize content. The company has helped over 200 clients enter the metaverse, including both Fortune 500 companies and government organizations like the Abu Dhabi government, Mastercard, L’Oreal, Red Bull, and Heineken. The company has raised a total of $40m over the past three years and continues to pioneer technological advancements.

We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

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Landvault · Wam Group

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We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

Copyright ©️ 2024 · Landvault · Wam Group · All rights reserved


We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

Copyright ©️ 2024 · Landvault · Wam Group · All rights reserved
