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How AI Can Improve Access to the Metaverse for Creators

Nov 14, 2023

Callum Moates

Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in developing the metaverse. AI's relevance in digital technologies lies in its ability to replicate human-like cognitive functions, such as problem-solving, pattern recognition, and natural language understanding. In the metaverse, AI is instrumental in creating realistic virtual environments by generating lifelike 3D models, textures, and dynamic simulations. Content creation tools like Landvault Create (coming soon) leverage AI algorithms to expedite the development of virtual worlds, ensuring users can develop high-quality and unique content through simple user prompts. Intelligent avatars powered by AI mimic human interactions, making conversations and interactions in the 3D internet more immersive. Furthermore, AI enhances user experiences by personalizing content and tailoring the virtual environment to individual preferences. This rapidly advancing technology drives the metaverse's evolution, making it a more engaging and immersive digital space.

Democratizing content creation

Several metaverse platforms have building and scripting tools that enable designers and developers to create content; however, these can still be challenging for mainstream users. Artificial intelligence (AI) can democratize 3D internet content production by eliminating entry barriers and empowering anybody with basic technological capabilities to build digital assets and experiences. AI streamlines virtual content creation in the metaverse by automating the generation of virtual environments, characters, and 3D objects through basic text or 2D image prompts. This automation accelerates production timelines and allows creators to focus more on creative aspects than technical details, making the overall content production process more efficient. 

Here are some ways AI-based tools and platforms empower creators:

  • AI-generated art: AI-powered technologies can generate visual content based on user prompts and set parameters by combining and altering existing imagery. Tools like Deep Dream use neural networks to create art pieces with psychedelic patterns. This inclusive approach fosters a more diverse and accessible creative landscape in the metaverse, empowering a broader range of users to contribute to and engage with digital art.

  • Game design assistance and 3D models: AI helps game designers by offering ideas for optimizing gameplay mechanics, designing levels, creating 3D assets, and programming non-player characters (NPCs). Generative AI models simplify 3D content creation for games, allowing quick and cost-effective generation of unique items with tools like Midjourney, Scenario, DallE, or Stable Diffusion. Creators can also build NPCs with specific motivations and personalities to generate appropriate responses in different situations. The ongoing improvement in tool quality means developers can effortlessly produce assets like magic potions or characters through simple text prompts. This advancement makes 3D content creation more widely accessible, eliminating the need for manual efforts or outsourcing. 

  • AI-assisted 3D animation: AI-assisted 3D animation plays a crucial role in constructing lifelike elements within the metaverse, particularly for NPCs. To build immersive 3D internet experiences, NPCs must exhibit realistic movements, expressions, and interactions. AI-driven technologies achieve this realism by automating and enhancing the animation process. Deep learning algorithms, motion capture techniques, and neural networks enable the creation of dynamic and natural movements for NPCs, adding a layer of authenticity to the virtual environment. This technology ensures that user interactions within the metaverse are visually appealing and closely mirror the nuances of real-world interactions, contributing to a more engaging and believable virtual experience.

Avataar, an AI automation platform, is exploring technological methods to simplify and make 3D content creation accessible for everyone. Leveraging AI, they are developing a 3D camera that is pivotal in democratizing 3D content creation. Employing Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF)-based techniques, they have identified the potential to establish a robust foundation for creating high-quality 3D assets using solely 2D input images.

Personalized user experiences

AI can significantly improve the metaverse experience by tailoring material to individual interests. It enhances the virtual environment by aligning it with user expectations and suggesting relevant virtual experiences, locations to visit, events to attend, and connections to build with other individuals in the 3D internet. AI-driven NPCs can be programmed to have tailored interactions with a user based on their profile, improving user engagement, increasing time spent in the metaverse, and boosting the likelihood of digital product purchases. This personalization relies heavily on artificial intelligence-driven recommendation systems, which function as follows:

  • User profiling: Metaverse AI systems can track and record users' behaviors, preferences, interactions, past purchases, and demographic information to construct comprehensive user profiles. Understanding behaviors and preferences requires AI engines to track metrics like user engagement, completed virtual transactions, social interactions, preferred virtual environments, and even biometric data for a more nuanced understanding of user experiences. Aggregating such detailed information allows AI systems to tailor and personalize user interactions, creating a more immersive and customized metaverse experience.

  • Recommendation algorithms: AI-powered recommendation systems use big data analysis and machine learning to match individual users with information that best suits their interests. These systems also seek similarities and patterns in similar user profiles to suggest content or identify similar content genres interacted with to recommend or understand the context of a situation to predict the following preferred action.

  • Real-time updates: Recommendation algorithms are modified in real-time. The metaverse experience is constantly new and relevant since the AI adjusts its suggestions depending on the user's most recent activities.

AI-driven recommendation systems in the metaverse can draw parallels with platforms like Netflix or Amazon. Netflix aims to help viewers find the best show or movie based on individual tastes, reducing churn and increasing viewership. It bases its recommendations on viewing history, other viewers with similar interests, and information about a title like its genre, category, actors, and release year. Similarly, the e-commerce giant Amazon harnesses AI to help its customers discover new products they would not have searched for, improving the experience and driving conversions. The algorithm analyses a user’s purchase history, items in their cart, items they rated and liked, and what other customers with similar interests have viewed or purchased. Netflix and Amazon’s AI-driven recommendations are prime examples of how the technology can be incorporated into the metaverse to suggest content, experiences, and products tailored to individual preferences and behaviors.

Protecting Intellectual Property with AI

Intellectual property (IP) is paramount in the metaverse, as this virtual space is becoming a new frontier for content creation, commerce, and interaction. The metaverse encompasses digital assets, including 3D models, virtual environments, music, and digital artwork. In this context, creators and innovators need robust IP protection to ensure their work is respected and they can monetize their creations effectively.

Several crucial factors underscore the significance of intellectual property (IP) in the 3D internet. Firstly, IP rights play a pivotal role in safeguarding creators' rights, ensuring that only the original authors have the authority to produce, sell, or lease copies of their works. This protection is vital as it shields creators from the risk of losing control and financial returns associated with their creations. Moreover, the presence of robust IP safeguards in the metaverse catalyzes innovation. When creators have confidence in receiving fair compensation for their endeavors, they are more inclined to take risks and contribute diverse and pioneering content to the virtual realm. This assurance, in turn, fosters a richer virtual world. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be crucial in effectively protecting IP in the metaverse. Here's how AI can be used for monitoring and enforcing IP rights in virtual spaces:

  • Content recognition: AI algorithms can analyze digital content, such as images, videos, and audio, to identify instances of potential copyright infringement. The technology can also be used to recognize metadata and watermarks embedded in virtual assets, helping track digital content's origin and ownership. AI can flag unauthorized usage by comparing uploaded content to a copyrighted material database. AI can also track digital assets recorded on the blockchain in the metaverse by accessing information about its provenance and authenticity.

  • Real-time monitoring: AI systems can continually scan the metaverse for IP violations. This real-time monitoring allows for swift action when infringements are detected, preventing the widespread dissemination of unauthorized content.

  • User reporting and moderation: AI-driven systems can empower users to report suspected IP infringements. AI tools can process these reports quickly and accurately, expediting enforcement.

  • Automatic takedowns and notifications: Upon identifying potential IP infringements, AI systems can automatically send takedown notices to offending parties and notify creators of the infringement, facilitating legal action if necessary.

  • Machine learning for continuous improvement: AI systems can continuously learn and adapt to new methods of IP infringement, making them more effective over time.


In conclusion, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) in the 3D internet is revolutionizing the landscape, offering significant advancements in content creation, user experiences, and intellectual property protection. AI democratizes content production by simplifying complex tasks, making it accessible to a broader audience. From AI-generated art to game design assistance and 3D model building, the metaverse becomes a space where creativity knows no bounds. Moreover, AI-driven personalized user experiences enhance engagement, creating a more immersive virtual environment. The metaverse's evolution is further propelled by AI's role in protecting intellectual property, ensuring creators' rights, and fostering innovation. As technology advances, AI will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping a more inclusive, dynamic, and secure 3D internet for creators and users alike.

Are you looking to build immersive 3D experiences in the virtual world? We can help you develop your idea with AI and monetize it in the metaverse. Get in touch with us!

Nov 14, 2023

Callum Moates

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About Landvault

Landvault is building infrastructure to accelerate the metaverse economy, by building tools to create, deploy and monetize content. The company has helped over 200 clients enter the metaverse, including both Fortune 500 companies and government organizations like the Abu Dhabi government, Mastercard, L’Oreal, Red Bull, and Heineken. The company has raised a total of $40m over the past three years and continues to pioneer technological advancements.

We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

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Landvault · Wam Group

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We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

Copyright ©️ 2024 · Landvault · Wam Group · All rights reserved


We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

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