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The Key Technologies Being Used in the Metaverse


Callum Moates

The metaverse is a highly immersive version of the web in which individuals can interact with each other and engage in activities like working, gaming, and socializing through their digital avatars. The 3D internet has seen a meteoric rise in popularity over the past few years, primarily driven by the advancement of technologies. Artificial intelligence (AI) acts as the metaverse's brain, enhancing interactions and creating intelligent avatars, while blockchain allows for secure transactions and a decentralized universe. Extended reality (XR) brings immersive 3D worlds to life by merging digital and virtual realities, while spatial computing enables users to experience the metaverse and interact with virtual elements intuitively. Together, these technologies are crafting a new digital realm and revolutionizing industries from entertainment to healthcare, indicating a future where the line between digital and physical is increasingly blurred. This blog dives into the key technologies used in the metaverse and their use cases across organizations.

Extended Reality (XR)

Extended reality (XR) serves as an all-encompassing term that includes virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR), each offering a range of immersive experiences. This spectrum of technologies allows users to dive into entirely digital worlds, overlay digital information onto their physical surroundings, or experience a blend of both. XR is transforming how we interact within the metaverse by providing tools and platforms that enhance the creation and consumption of immersive content across sectors like healthcare, education, retail, and manufacturing.

Within the 3D internet, XR applications are vast and varied. XR headsets that toggle between VR and AR modes, like the Apple Vision Pro and the Meta Quest Pro, are popular devices to access the metaverse, allowing users to switch seamlessly between fully immersive environments and augmented overlays. Development platforms designed for XR, like Unity and Unreal Engine, enable creators to build rich, interactive content, ranging from games to educational tools. Additionally, XR-enabled collaboration tools are revolutionizing remote work and learning by providing virtual spaces where people can meet and share ideas as if they were in the same physical room. For instance, ENGAGE XR enhances professional collaboration with features like 3D drawing and exploring immersive locations for learning. Other platforms like ‘The Wild’ and ‘meetingRoom’ facilitate team collaboration in VR by offering spatial collaboration and providing VR meeting rooms with whiteboards. 

Moreover, XR technologies are set to amplify spatial computing, social interactions, and digital commerce within the metaverse. Spatial computing, which understands and utilizes the physical space around the user, can be enhanced with XR to create more interactive and context-aware experiences. Social interactions become more engaging and realistic, bridging the digital and physical presence gap. In digital commerce, XR opens new avenues for virtual try-ons, immersive shopping experiences, and interactive product demonstrations, driving innovation and creativity across various industries.

Woman wearing VR headset operating a hologram globe with a view of the Middle East

Spatial Computing

Spatial computing embodies the capability of computing devices to recognize and interpret the physical space around us, allowing one to intuitively interact with digital content and manipulate it within that space. This technology creates a user interface in a 3D environment where virtual and physical realities co-exist. Data from sensors, cameras, and sophisticated algorithms enables devices to perceive depth, understand spatial relationships, and respond to human movements and interactions.

A key element of spatial computing is spatial mapping, where a 3D map of a physical environment is recreated for motion planning, avoiding collisions, and blending digital elements with physical ones. This mechanism enhances immersive experiences across industries, such as retail, where customers can preview products virtually in their space, or education, where interactive 3D models are digitally brought to life. These applications showcase spatial mapping's versatility and ability to improve experiences and decision-making.

Here are some key spatial mapping techniques: 

  • Depth-sensing cameras: Depth-sensing cameras, like those used in Microsoft's Kinect, capture the depth and position of objects in a physical space. In the metaverse, users can wear head-mounted devices with these cameras to create more realistic representations of avatars and enable more natural interactions with virtual objects.

  • Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensors: LiDAR sensors use precise laser pulse technology to calculate distances from objects in an environment, creating a 3D map of the recorded area.

Spatial computing technologies in the 3D internet enable:

  • Context-aware interactions: Spatial computing allows devices to understand their surroundings so that virtual objects can be placed as though they were present in the real world. Users can also interact with these elements through hand movements and gestures.

  • Spatial navigation: Spatial technology overlays digital information atop a device’s screen and can help users navigate spaces. This feature can be useful for maps or games where virtual arrows are displayed on the screen to direct a user. For instance, Pokémon Go is an excellent example of the utilization of spatial navigation, where players are encouraged to hunt for Pokémon in the real world by receiving directions to key locations.

  • Immersive telepresence: Using spatial computing devices to join video calls and collaborate remotely allows users to feel like they are in the same room with participants who could be anywhere around the globe. Spatial audio also helps create a ‘live’ experience, while the realism of a user’s digital avatar lets individuals express emotions naturally. These interactions can replicate face-to-face interactions through nuances like eye contact and engagement with virtual elements, making it a personal experience.


Blockchain technology is a revolutionary decentralized and transparent ledger system that forms the backbone of virtual economies and digital asset ownership within the metaverse. This technology ensures that every transaction and digital interaction is recorded to be secure, transparent, and tamper-proof. By leveraging blockchain, the metaverse can offer a level of digital ownership and economic interaction that mirrors the complexity and security of the real world but without centralized control.

Here are some main blockchain applications in the metaverse:

  • Non-fungible tokens (NFTs): NFTs allow for the creation, ownership, and trading of unique digital assets, such as art, music, and virtual real estate. Underlying blockchain technologies certify authenticity and enable a market for collectible goods. For instance, CryptoKitties became one of the earliest and most popular use cases of NFTs, allowing players to buy, breed, and trade virtual cats on the Ethereum blockchain.

  • Decentralized virtual land ownership: Digital land on the blockchain gives users the power to buy, sell, and manage virtual land parcels as if they were tangible properties. The rise of virtual real estate has fueled the growth of metaverse like Decentraland, where individuals can purchase virtual land to build and monetize content, games, and applications, effectively creating a new form of real estate market in the virtual world.

  • Digital identity verification: Identity verification through blockchain provides secure and verifiable digital identities, crucial for enhancing trust and privacy within the 3D internet. A great example is Civic, a platform that uses blockchain for identity verification services, offering a glimpse into how secure digital identities can be managed in the metaverse.

The potential of blockchain and cryptocurrency within the metaverse is profound, promising to democratize access to digital assets, foster new forms of virtual commerce, and establish a foundation of trust in virtual environments. By removing the barriers to entry for digital ownership and commerce, blockchain technology enables a more inclusive and equitable digital economy. Users from anywhere in the world can participate in the metaverse economy, creating, buying, and selling digital assets without intermediaries, reducing fees, and increasing access to digital markets. Moreover, blockchain's inherent security and transparency cultivate trust in virtual interactions and transactions. Securely verifying transactions and ownership is paramount in an environment where digital assets can carry significant real-world value. This trust is crucial for individual users, businesses, and creators looking to invest in the 3D internet and ensure that their digital assets and intellectual property are protected.

Various cubes interconnected representing the blockchain

Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms play a pivotal role in enhancing the intelligence and interactivity of virtual entities within the metaverse. These technologies enable virtual entities to exhibit increasingly complex and lifelike behaviors and responses by processing vast amounts of data and learning from user interactions. This capability makes virtual environments more engaging and realistic and allows for personalizing virtual experiences based on user preferences and behaviors.

Here are some AI and ML applications in the metaverse:

  • Virtual assistants and chatbots: AI-powered virtual assistants and chatbots in the metaverse can perform various tasks, from guiding users through virtual environments to providing information or assisting in virtual events. The Sansar metaverse has AI-powered assistants designed to enhance user experiences by guiding users through the vast digital landscapes, helping them find events, and facilitating interactions within the environment. Through natural language processing (NLP) and ML, AI assistants can adapt to individual user preferences and needs, offering personalized assistance and recommendations, significantly enriching the metaverse experience.

  • AI-driven content generation: AI can generate dynamic content within the 3D internet, from creating ever-changing landscapes to generating new quests or game challenges. Today, AI tools are also available to allow creators to build and design digital assets and sceneries more effectively. A notable example is Landvault Create, a no-code AI assistant that transforms ideas from text prompts into 3D assets. This tool lets individuals quickly create 3D experiences with procedural generation and AI, supporting popular game engines like Unity and Unreal. Creators can easily publish and monetize their content, democratizing 3D content creation and promoting innovation in the metaverse.

  • Personalization: Through analyzing user data, AI and ML customize virtual environments and experiences to match individual preferences, significantly boosting user engagement and satisfaction. The platform could suggest virtual events, games, or spaces aligning with users' previous interactions and behaviors. Moreover, AI's grasp of user behavior patterns can also optimize virtual spaces for intuitiveness and user experience, such as redesigning a virtual store layout based on user interactions or tweaking a virtual meeting space for enhanced collaboration. 

  • Realistic simulations: AI and ML are instrumental in generating complex, dynamic simulations within the metaverse, including realistic physics, weather systems, ecosystems, and non-player characters (NPCs) with unique behaviors that can make virtual worlds feel alive and responsive.


The 3D internet, powered by XR, spatial computing, blockchain, and AI technologies, revolutionizes digital experiences. These innovations create advanced 3D internet environments that offer immersive interactions, secure transactions, and personalized content. As these technologies evolve, the metaverse promises to reshape industries and redefine how we engage with digital spaces, ushering in a future where boundaries between the real and virtual worlds dissolve.


Callum Moates

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