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How Matera Will Shape the Future of the Creator Economy


Callum Moates

In the current Internet landscape, traditional web2 models and platforms often impose significant hurdles for content creators with suboptimal monetization methods and revenue cuts. Monetization is limited to earning through merchandise sales, subscription growth, or ad revenue, which is only sustainable for the top 1% of creators with significant following and reach.  

TIME reported that YouTube deducts approximately 30% of creators' earnings. For most creators, the remaining share is insufficient for sustainable income. The publication also shared a 2016 study that indicated that 96.5% of YouTubers don't earn enough from ad revenue to surpass the US poverty line. The use of external fundraising platforms by YouTube channels has also increased significantly, from 2.8% in 2008 to 20% in 2018 as a supplementary income source. 

Web3, however, is revolutionizing the creator landscape by introducing decentralized and transparent solutions that shift the power from these platforms to creators and their communities. The metaverse, blockchain, community tokens, and NFTs enable income through unique digital assets, while smart contracts ensure a fair revenue share. These decentralized content platforms cut out intermediaries, offering creators more equitable and viable income opportunities than traditional web2 platforms.

Matera Protocol, developed by Landvault, emerges as a solution for this. It enables creators to seamlessly bring their 3D content or assets on-chain, leverages blockchain technology to ensure authenticity, and offers monetization opportunities for creators while allowing user communities to own and participate in this new economy.

What is Matera Protocol

As the two-dimensional internet turns into a 3D space, Matera Protocol is a solution to the challenges creators face in the digital world. Generating and sharing content within the 3D Internet presents obstacles around safeguarding intellectual property (IP), ensuring consumer safety from fraud, optimizing content monetization, measuring return on investment, and scaling digital experiences globally. 

To tackle these roadblocks, Matera offers a groundbreaking no-code toolkit for creators to seamlessly bring their 3D content on-chain, powered by a dedicated layer 2 infrastructure for scalability. The protocol aims to become the go-to infrastructure for creators to build and engage with consumers. Matera seeks to solve these problems by allowing creators to verify their content through the blockchain and tokenize their assets to trade them to earn revenue or distribute them to users to keep them engaged. The protocol also lets creators track the performance of their assets so they can optimize their return on investment.

Matera creates a positive feedback loop, where higher-performing assets generate more value, leading to increased demand, higher token prices, and enhanced rewards for creators and users. Matera's value proposition lies in its commitment to creating a fairer digital economy, benefiting creators, consumers, and developers alike.

Protecting IP

On the Internet, piracy, counterfeiting, and trademark infringement have been issues that creators have long battled with. With the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI, threats to 3D content duplication have only heightened, blurring the lines between authentic and fake assets, which risks misleading consumers. 

Matera's Asset Verification feature is crucial in safeguarding IP through a decentralized and transparent mechanism designed to verify the authenticity of creators and their 3D assets. 

Here is how Matera ensures an asset is verified:

  • Issuing certificates of authenticity: Using the Matera interface, creators connect their 3D models and mint a verification certificate, also known as ‘Asset NFTs.’ These NFTs, represented as ERC-721 tokens, contain metadata proving the creator's provenance and authenticity. This verification establishes a unique and immutable link between the off-chain (3D content) and on-chain data.

  • Using trusted verifiers: To ensure the credibility of the verification process, Matera employs a pool of trusted verifiers. These verifiers play a critical role in validating the assets and are incentivized by Matera to perform the verification work accurately. The decentralized nature of this process adds an extra layer of security, reducing the risk of IP infringement or unauthorized replication.

  • Publicly accessible data on provenance: The verification certificate, embedded in the Asset NFT, contains a unique hash that represents the 3D asset and is stored on-chain. This hash, publicly accessible by anyone, serves as a transparent and immutable record on the blockchain, creating a public ledger of ownership of assets on the 3D internet. Users, therefore, have the means to independently verify the authenticity of the content they engage with, contributing to a safer and more trustworthy virtual environment.

Opening up an ownership economy

Matera Protocol's Asset Tokenization feature is a mechanism that provides creators with new avenues for monetization and allows users to become stakeholders in the content they engage with. It establishes an ownership economy between the creator or owner and the consumers and users interacting with the asset.

Creators can use the Asset Tokenization feature, accessible through the Matera interface, to transform verified assets and content within the 3D internet into 100,000 Asset Tokens stored in a dedicated wallet.

Monetization opportunities for creators

The tokenization process opens up diverse monetization models for creators. By setting a desired $TICKER for the token, creators can tokenize and trade their assets on NFT marketplaces, with their value determined by supply and demand. 

Creators can control the distribution of Asset tokens by choosing to do either of the following:

  • Rewarding users: Creators can provide Asset tokens as user rewards for engaging with content to incentivize actions and behaviors. For instance, a creator can monetize actions by giving five tokens for every minute spent in a 3D experience.

  • Raising funds: Selling tokens to investors to raise capital for further development is another option. With multiple fractionalized tokens of an asset, investors can be better equipped to fund high-value assets.

  • Trading: The Matera Protocol's design encourages creators to trade Asset tokens on NFT marketplaces as collectibles, creating a dynamic economy around their content.

User participation in the ownership economy

Matera's Asset Tokenization feature allows users to own a piece of the 3D internet by purchasing Asset tokens and becoming stakeholders in the content they love. 

These tokens offer three primary utilities for users:

  1. Rewards: Asset token holders are entitled to a share of the monetary rewards generated by the underlying 3D experience. Creators set a percentage of revenue that goes to reward distribution. 

  2. Access: Creators can token gate experiences and exclusive content, granting users access to parts of the 3D experience based on the quantity of Asset tokens held. Specific content that requires token access, such as celebrity Q&A sessions, live events, or a special discord channel, incentivizes superfans to own tokens and engage more deeply with their favorite content.

  3. Governance: Creators can empower Asset token holders to participate in decisions about the future development of the experience. This structure opens up possibilities for decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) governance, a digital democracy where token holders collectively vote on proposals to make decisions for an organization without a central authority. For instance, a digital fashion designer in the metaverse could sell a proportion of their Asset tokens to allow token holders to make creative decisions on their next virtual fashion line.

Measuring ROI

Matera Analytics is a tool for creators within the metaverse, offering a solution for measuring and optimizing the performance of their 3D assets and experiences. By leveraging Matera Analytics, creators gain valuable insights into core KPIs in real-time, such as traffic, engagement, dwell time, and conversion rates. This data-driven approach empowers creators to make informed decisions and enhancements, ultimately contributing to improving future 3D experiences.

Armed with actionable data, creators can identify patterns, preferences, and pain points within their 3D assets. These insights enable them to implement targeted improvements like refining user engagement strategies, enhancing specific design features, or adjusting content delivery to better align with audience expectations.

Scaling the metaverse

The Matera Software Development Kit (SDK) is a cornerstone element in the strategic development and growth of the metaverse. It offers a suite of tools and plugins compatible with Unity and Unreal, game engines leading in metaverse development. This comprehensive SDK facilitates and streamlines complex processes for developers without previous web3 exposure and enables Matera's smooth integration into various virtual experiences. The Matera SDK's ability to connect with current metaverse platforms makes it crucial to developing 3D experiences. It contributes significantly to the scalability, accessibility, and richness of the evolving metaverse landscape.


Matera Protocol is reshaping the creator economy with decentralized solutions, safeguarding intellectual property, introducing innovative monetization through asset tokenization, and creating an ownership economy. The platform’s analytics capabilities empower creators to gain better insight into traffic, engagement, and asset transaction data. This publicly available data drives demand for 3D content tokens, creates a positive feedback loop that benefits creators and users, and fosters a thriving digital ecosystem. 

Are you a developer, creator, or brand looking to build 3D virtual experiences and assets for your community? With the Matera Protocol, we can help you verify, tokenize, monetize, and track your digital content in the metaverse. Learn more about Matera here.

You can also join our community on Telegram to stay up to date with everything that’s going on.


Callum Moates

اشترك في النشرة الإخبارية الشهرية لدينا

حول LandVault

لاند فولت هي أكبر منشئ في الميتافيرس مع أكثر من 100 مليون قدم مربع من العقارات الافتراضية، وأكثر من 120 مبدعًا بدوام كامل، وقرابة 300 مشروع منجز. لقد ساعدنا العلامات التجارية على البناء والنمو في بيئات الألعاب منذ عام 2017 وفي الميتافيرس منذ عام 2021.

We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

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Landvault · Wam Group

All rights reserved


We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

Copyright ©️ 2024 · Landvault · Wam Group · All rights reserved


We build infrastructure for the 3D internet,
to create a richer, fairer internet.

Copyright ©️ 2024 · Landvault · Wam Group · All rights reserved
